Thursday, September 22, 2011

Paper, Project, Pile-Up

Do you feel overwhelmed? A little exhausted? How about stressed to the max?

I'm getting close to most of those. Exhausted? Check! Overwhelmed? Check! Stressed to the max? Not quite... yet.

I started work on my first ever essay for my college English class. I was worried about writing to begin with because I just ramble on here and in an essay you have to kind of pay attention. The topic of this essay has to do with my name, how I got it, why it's important, blah blah blah. I had some major writer's block when trying to gather my thoughts enough to type up a thesis statement and outline. Then once I figured out a somewhat decent thesis statement, my outline took off. I had like 7 or 8 pages of outline last night... for a two page paper! Needless to say, I downsized the outline this morning, but ended up with 5 pages still. I'm not sure how this paper is going to turn out. It's already a little scattered.

Then... there's the subject of work. We have a fire school this weekend, a new area coordinator who's trying to get settled in, and lots of stuff we're behind on. I am slowly but surely marking things off of my constant to-do list. But it just seems like there's never an end in sight.

Stress isn't something I'm used to. I do my best to let things just roll off my back, especially when I cannot control the outcome. Why bother getting all worked up for nothing, right?! But it seems that's not the case these days, even with that carefree attitude. Stress keeps creeping up on me whether I like it or not. So tonight I ran... It took everything in me to finish those 30 minutes, but I did it. And now that I've finished, I feel a little refreshed. And I'm going to end my night soaking in my tub with a little stress relief aromatherapy...

All in all, I believe all of this is the product of being 30 something. School is more difficult. Work is more demanding. And life keeps piling up. I think I'll just live day-to-day and let the good times roll where they may...

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