Sunday, May 13, 2012

When You Need Someone To Lean On

There comes a time when you start listening to your mom. Have you gotten there yet? I mean, I used to be horrible! I had such a smart mouth on me (I know you are saying, "NO! Not you!!" but for real... I did). My mom was the queen of the backhand. If I smarted off to her, she was real quick to put me in check. And then there was that belt. Oh. My. Goodness. You know you got whipped when you were little (and if you didn't, you probably needed to be whipped... just sayin'). My mom had this belt made of velcro that she wore with her work uniform. That thing was thick and it made the most God-awful sound when it was coming out of her belt loops (SWOOOSH.... flop, flop, flop, flop, flop). But seriously, mom meant business.

She grounded me one time. ONE time in my entire life and it was for sneaking out. I was in high school. I LIVED on the phone. I mean that phone was stuck to my ear all day, every day. When she grounded me, the only thing I had to do was stay away from the phone. I think it was for only one day, too. I couldn't even do that. Seriously. I got caught on the telephone that evening and all she had to do was give me one look. I knew the disappointment in her eyes and I knew I never wanted to see that again.

That isn't the only time I chose not to listen to her. I know I have completely disregarded what she said so many times that I could never really count them. But with every passing year, I find myself following her every word. At some point in our lives, we figure out that maybe mom DOES know best. Maybe mom really is looking out for our best interests. Maybe mom just really loves us and wants us to be okay. For many people, that time never comes or maybe when that time does come it is too late. I am so happy that I figured it out early on.

Today, my mother is my best friend. I talk to her about everything and nothing at all. She is everything I could ever hope to be. My mom hung the moon (I know you might think yours did, but you're wrong. My mom did... LOL). I believe that in time we all become some version of our parents. I really and truly hope that is right. Because both of my parents are really amazing people and if I never became anything else in this little life of mine, being their daughter would be more than enough.

Mom... I love you so much more than any card or song could describe. You amaze me every day with your patience and kindness and your everlasting love. Happy Mother's Day!

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