Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bubbles, Babies, and Blues...


I cannot wait to sink into a steaming hot bubble bath and just melt away my day. Thursdays just seem so long. I guess because I'm always looking forward to Fridays. I cannot think of a more relaxing place to be than in a hot bath with candlelight. Bubble bath + this blog + sleep = one happy girl.


There are no new babies in my life to speak of. But... I was posting a photo on my Facebook for my 30 Day Challenge album and thought I'd share this little moment of heaven. This is my all time favorite memory. My first photograph with my nephew. He is my world. I love this little boy more than life itself. And every day spent with him is one more memory added to my long list of favorites. I only have my sister (and the nameless, soul-less bag of crap, aka sperm donor) to thank. So Rea... thank you for giving me the one thing in life that equals all happiness... Nolan.  


I think I'm in a bluesy mood these days. Not just "blue" as in down... but "blue" as in the musical feeling. My best girl and I have been to a local watering hole two weekends in a row for the Kentucky Blues Society's Blues Jam and I cannot be more into it. These musicians are truly amazing. It's so much more than just playing some notes... it's experiencing the sound and feeling the soul. So until Sunday nights roll around, I'll have to settle for the sounds of soul coming through my phone. I'm off to that bubble bath now...

1 comment:

  1. I do remember when little Nolan arrived and the scary days after... No shortage of miracles back then, because he is growing and healthy and the funniest little guy (I can totally tell by the pics, haha)

    Bubble bath sounds goooood.
