Thursday, February 16, 2012


I hate taking a class where the professor makes you feel like an idiot for asking a question.

I've read through some of the other questions that are listed on the discussion board where this problem happened, or that problem happened, and every answer the professor gives is some kind of smart remark. Now I get we're college students and we should probably put more thought into our work, but does that mean our professors should degrade us and make us feel like we're a waste of time?

I'm not happy. Not happy one bit with this semester's classes. I'm doing okay in both of them, but okay isn't good enough. I am one of those people that must do well in their classes. I'm not okay getting an "okay" grade. I'm just not. So this struggling I'm doing is not pretty. I don't know what to do about it though.

I've lost a test completely. I went to take it tonight and it was no longer listed under the Quizzes & Tests tab on Blackboard. Where did it go? It was there yesterday and it's not due until the 19th. So where is it?! I left a question on the Discussion Board, but I'm sure I'll be answered with some smart remark basically telling me I shouldn't bother him with such petty questions.

I guess I just don't understand why some professors have to be such asses. Only one other professor I've had was a jerk like this one. Only one. If they don't want to teach, they should stop teaching. I'm a non-traditional student just trying to make it through and it's very discouraging to take classes with professors that don't give a damn. It's classes like these that make me want to say, "Screw it!" and just drop them all. I work hard. I work hard at my job. I work hard at home. I work hard on these classes. I don't have time to be made to feel worthless and stupid!

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