Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Whatever... You're Stupid... I'm Done...

I've gotten to the point that I really cannot stand drama in relationships. I try not to have drama in my life and I try to stay out of other people's drama. But sometimes, I feel like the drama just follows me around.

So here's the beef of this sandwich...

I do not answer to anyone. I'm sorry if you thought I did, but you would be wrong! I say what I'm going to do. I make the decisions on who I see or don't see. And I'm the one of has to answer for the decisions I make. So please do not disrespect me by trying to tell me who I can and cannot talk to.

It really bothers me when you get into a relationship with someone and they are controlling enough to decide who your friends are. Grow up! Stop acting like you are 13. The truth of the matter is this... if you are secure enough in your relationship, you shouldn't have to worry about who your boyfriend or girlfriend is talking to and what they're talking about. If you cannot trust your boyfriend or girlfriend enough to have an adult conversation (about anything) then  maybe you should rethink your relationship. But certainly do not go telling me what I'm going to do. I'm not in your relationship. No way, no how. And I'll be damned if you pull me into your pile of BS.

I just wish people would realize how completely stupid they can be. I'm so over trying to be a friend to people who allow these kinds of controlling situations to occur. Why can we not be grown up enough to NOT cheat on our significant others? Why can we not be an adult and say "I'll talk to whomever I want, whenever I want because NOTHING is going on?" Seriously... if you have to have the conversation about who you can and cannot talk to, maybe you should have the conversation where you get up and walk out. I'm just so over this crap. I mean... whatever! You're stupid... I'm done.

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