Saturday, October 27, 2012

Do You Feel A Draft Coming In?

I log onto this blog all the time. I click on "New Post" and I start writing. But it seems that I have nothing to say. Now that can't be right, can it? I talk all the time... non-stop actually. So what exactly is my problem? Writer's block? Fear of foot-in-mouth syndrome? Or is it that I really cannot find the right words to get it all out?

It seems like I have too much going on in my mind and I cannot process it all into words. I just don't know how I am feeling anymore, or what I should say. It's a bit disturbing I must say. I fight with myself all day trying to find the right way to express how I am feeling. I know that I need to figure it out so I can get it out before I explode. The days being gray and cold do not help any either. I keep busy at work and then when I get home I am so exhausted mentally and physically. I just need a break.

Yes. I am well aware of the many trips I've taken out of town this year. Yes. I am aware that you cannot escape your problems forever. And yes... I am aware that a stiff drink would probably help my mind ease enough to say the things I need to say... given that I find the words.

I need to shut the window and stop letting the drafts in. I need to make the drafts actual posts instead of ideas in my head. I feel like it will be soon when I let it all go.

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