Sunday, August 28, 2011

Eyes Fixed on the Sun

So... I just wanted to post that I hated that Cage The Elephant did not win Best Rock Video at the MTV Video Music Awards. And yes, I voted daily. There's just a sense of pride you get when someone from your hometown... a band you've seen play at your hometown bar many times... gets nominated for such an award. What a great thing it is to have such an awesome band from Bowling Green, KY. Congratulations, guys, on your nomination. And who knows?! Maybe there'll be  Grammy in your future.

In other news... my boss is retiring this week. He's been with the company for many, many years and I'm so happy to see him doing something for himself. Friday night, we took him out for a good time of hot wings, beer, and waitress-ogling. LOL. Most of our instructors showed up to wish him well in his next endeavors. It was so good to see such a great turnout. And I'm so happy he had a great time. I hope he'll remember how much we care about him and that we wish him the best!

Saturday, I was about to die to get out of the house!! I wanted to get out and go somewhere, anywhere. I tried to get everyone to go to the mountains with me. But no one was taking the bait I was tossing about. We ended up doing a little shopping in Lebanon. Well, I say shopping but no one bought anything except for mom. LOL. Later on, I met my best girl at Friday's (BG's most under-rated restaurant/bar... yeah I know the food is decent but the drinks and the atmosphere make up for it). We had the best time catching up and laughing about everything. I've missed those nights. It was so good for both of us. 

And today, I started shopping for my nephew's birthday. It's only a couple of weeks away (2 weeks from today exactly). So I thought I'd better get a move on it since games were on sale this week. I'm already wondering what to get him for Christmas. You know it's just like 15 weeks away, right?! That's like no time at all!! So I need to get a move on. Also today, I cleaned up around my room a bit and tried to de-clutter. It's so hard to do when you're a pack-rat. But I'm getting better at getting rid of things. I bought some more scarves today in hopes that weather will cool off soon and I can really enjoy them. There's nothing worse than buying clothes for the next season so early. But if you wait, they'll be gone. 

Oh well, that's my weekend in a nutshell. Happy dreams my friends...

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