Thursday, August 4, 2011

The "C" Word


1. The disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
2. A malignant growth or tumor resulting from such a division of cells.
3. An awful, ugly thing wreaking havoc inside my sister's body.

I guess it was only a matter of time until the big "C" found its way into our lives. Someone in our family was bound to get it sometime. It's not like there aren't a million of us (counting both sides of the parents' families) and we are all very close (some people think it's weird how close we all are). I've thought the past few years "wonder when it will strike our family?" and "Gosh, we've been lucky to not have it". Other than histories of cancers in the family and some minor skin cancer problems (Dad!), we haven't had the privilege of knowing that ugly word personally. But that stops now.

My sister, a beautiful mother and my best friend, was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer about two weeks ago. Tomorrow, one of the best doctors I've ever known personally will take out that cancerous polyp and the section of colon it is attached to. I don't know much about cancer, except that it's not cool... not cool at all! I know it's dangerous. And I'm not going to even begin to talk about it in any other way! I won't because I know my sister is going to be okay. I know in my heart that she is strong... and she's a fighter. I have hope. And I have love. And I know everything is going to be okay. It has to be.

So... tomorrow is going to be a long day at the hospital. But by the end of it, we will all be able to celebrate. Because the "C" word doesn't live on in our family. Nope... we're strong.... we're full of life... and we love with all we are. I'm proud to be a member of a family that has a bond so strong that nothing, including cancer, can break it.


  1. So sweet. You made me cry!
    C is for CELEBRATE.
    C is for Casey.
    We won't allow the other C word to be mentioned again because after today it shall be no more within Casey's body! I believe it, receive it!


    Kelly J

  2. Cancer sucks!! She is gonna kick that cancer's ass!! And, your family is a tight-knit unit that will see her through it!

    Go Caseigh!!
