Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I absolutely LOVE the snow. If it's gonna be cold... and it's gotta be winter... then bring on 10 feet of it!! I enjoyed another snow day today. And just like I do every snow day, I spend a lot of time looking outside and enjoying the view. Here are some photos from today... This is so beautiful...

A tree in my front yard. I love it. And when there's snow on it, it's that much better.

I feel like this could be on a holiday card. I just want to walk into the woods there and be among the trees. There's something so peaceful about the snowy woods. It's almost like a dream.

I think the holly trees are so beautiful covered in snow... just those little red berries peeking out.

The snow was a little deep... but obviously not deep enough for this snow angel. I enjoyed making it. AND I marked another thing off my bucket list for 2011.

Several of the trees I got up close and personal with today had bird nests in them. I find these nests so fascinating. What a cozy little home (without the snow that is)...

So... as you can see, I'm not one of those people that will ever gripe and complain about the snow. I have absolutely no problems staying home... staying warm... and enjoying the the beauty of winter. Spring will come... and then Summer will come... But I'm not going to rush it. I just want to enjoy the moment.


  1. I love your snow angel! She reminds me of a time long ago when this wonderful free spirited girl couldn't wait for her best friend to get home from work so they could make snow angels in the very first snow of winter. ;)

  2. Do you know that every time I see a snow angel or even think about snow angels I am brought back to that exact moment?? Everytime... And that moment is probably my favorite memory of us. I just wish I had a picture from that moment. It will always be in my heart. I love you!!! Thank you for sharing that moment with me!

  3. Yes, but how in the heck are you gonna get off that hill you guys call R-ville, ;)
