Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sleeping Single In A Double Bed

I just realized that I'm single and have been for 3 years. Not ONCE in those 3 years of being single have I been on a date. NOT ONCE. I began believing that whole nonsense about "people have the exact love life that they want" because I truly think I push guys away. I think I MUST have this huge stamp on my forehead that says "I'M SO NOT INTERESTED". But I'm going to be honest and open up the brick wall right here, right now...

I'm scared. I've been married. I've been divorced. I've been single. I've been in a relationship. And I've been single again. And here I am. Still single.

I don't think I'm desperate to find love. And that's probably one reason why I haven't found it. My most recent ex's birthday is today. Which is why I realized I've been single for 3 years this month. I have lost faith in love and relationships. And I don't really know that I'll ever have faith in it again.

How do you get over it and learn to trust your heart with someone again? I just don't know if I can. And if I can't, I'm afraid I'll be destined to be the old lady on the corner with a million cats. For now, I'm sleeping single in a double bed...


  1. Eventually it will be me sleeping in that Double bed with you I am convinced of it!

  2. Well, hey... that's been known to happen... LOL
