Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Missing Wednesday

Somehow, as the days pass by, I lose Wednesday. I don't know what happens to it... I don't know where it goes. But it goes somewhere. I woke up to the foghorn sounds of my alarm clock at 5:45 and quickly hit snooze, just praying for a 2 hr delay again this morning. I punched the button on my phone to check my emails to see if anything had come through from campus. But there it was... nothing. Just as I'd become mentally awake enough to go ahead and get up, that email came. CLOSED. How nice is a snow day for an adult?? Every time there's a delay or an unexpected day off, I just snuggle back into the pillows and envelope myself in comfort. Snooze.

I was lucky today. I got the chance to spend a day with the best thing in my life. As you can tell from the photos below, we had a good time. And he was so good for me. I couldn't have asked for a better snow day. And I don't care what other people think, I love the snow. I love a snow day. I love that unexpected moment off to just be me.

It's just so sweet... this little boy I love so much. He holds my heart... and I wonder if I'll ever love my own children as much as I love him. So... I just hug him up whenever I can and relish in the moments we have together. Just like today...

After a while, I log onto my laptop and sink myself into a "ME" moment. The county schools have already reported closings for tomorrow and I've already given my all to the nightly routine of hard-core working out. Someone downstairs is punishing my good efforts at being healthy by baking cookies and the aroma has drifted up two floors. And as I watch the President give his speech I realize that another Wednesday has come and gone.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure that top pick is not me? I have those pants and I am pretty sure I have a matching pair of socks lol! Love you
