Sunday, January 23, 2011

A rose by any other name...

So today has been exactly what I'd hoped for... lazy. I spent a good amount of time laying around in my bed watching shows on my DVR. And I spent another good portion playing with my nephew.

He always comes up to see if I'm awake... and then again like twenty million times until I'm fully up and at it. Today, we read books and had tickle wars and even took pictures of each other.
He likes to take pics with my camera... and I'm taking pics with his.

He decided he wanted to take a self portrait.

We tickle in our house... it's fun... let's do it again... :)

But I must say the main highlight of my Sunday night was the Kentucky Blues Society Jam at a biker bar/restaurant in town. Two weeks in a row, my best girl and I have taken a moment out of life to head out and enjoy a drink while soaking in the soulful sounds of blues music. It's such a warming "home" type of feeling. And this is music you just can't "play"... you have to "feel" it...

While listening to this jam session, we got into a discussion about names and meaning and personalities. And I think we have come to a conclusion about ourselves. She goes by Crystal and I go by Tammy or Tamara. We both have that part of us that rocks it out to some great music... that carefree attitude and that gypsy soul. And then we both have a part of us that is more organized and set to a schedule. That planner and thinker instead of the "fly by the seat of your pants" girl that's always dreaming. But it just so happens that she goes by her middle name, Crystal (which is also my middle name) and I go by my first name, Tamara (or Tammy). And we think that the name we go by is also the dominant part of our personality. I long to be more of a dreamer and be more passionate about life and express myself as my soul would want. But I tend to be more structured. I keep a calendar that I go by religiously and I work in a job that's so less creative than I'd want. But I like it. A lot. And I just can't pick up and go. I mean, I pick up and go whenever I want. But I couldn't just pack up and move away like she can. And I think it's because I use my more structure/responsible name. That's my dominant personality. And Crystal uses her dominant personality. So carefree... a rambling rose. So it just makes me wonder... would a rose by any other name smell just as sweet? Or do our names fit our personality??

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