Thursday, January 27, 2011


I just wanted to take this opportunity to say "I HATE FAKE PEOPLE". I do... I am deeply disturbed by something I read tonight while trying to get off of Facebook. I'm not going to mention who it was or what it was about. But... the fact is this... some people really act fake. We KNOW you're being fake. Stop trying to be all buddy-buddy with someone you KNOW you cannot trust. It's so irritating how people will complain about this friend or that friend that they know they cannot depend on and cannot trust. But they act like they're the best of friends in public. To all of those FAKERS out there, just be true to yourself and stop living the lie. You know by now who you can and cannot trust. So stop going on and on with those you can't.

I'm sorry... some things just disturb me. I am very thankful that I've cut ties with most FAKERS in my life and I live a life with true people that I know have my back in any time of need.

Thank you to those of you who aren't fake!

1 comment:

  1. Right on!

    And, I happily take the blame for any said fakers we may or may not have cut out of our lives. :)

    It is refreshing to know that they are still up to their fakeness, though. That no change is taking place, whatsoever. I also find humorous how much the stories have gotten worse about me since I left and they have no new material.

    I mean, I'm no angel, but damn if I'm guilty of all that mess...

    Okay, so we both did a little venting. Good for us :)
