Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finding an escape...

Sometimes you just need an escape. For me, it's usually a long, hot bath by candlelight while drowning in the melody of whatever tunes are circulating on my iPod. I find so much comfort in just steaming away, eyes closed and drifting. I used my "get out of jail free" card too early twice this week and needed another form of escape.

I found that tonight. Dinner and good conversation. It feels good to get dressed up once in a while and go out on the town. My "escape" consisted of great food at a popular restaurant in town. My best girl and I shared drinks and laughter and then dessert. After a week of soul searching, it was nice to just relax and be me.

After leaving dinner, I felt like I should go home... but I also felt like I was all dressed up with nowhere to go. I hate when that happens. I hate when I spend a little time on myself and I don't use it to the best of my ability. It's almost like "what's the point?"... Why do we put so much into "getting ready" if there's no one to enjoy it? I mean... I guess I enjoy feeling pretty. But I'm certainly okay in my yoga pants and cotton ribbed tank. This must go back to the "lazy" part of me. I just don't really get the point in wasting so much time primping myself for nothing.

The night is coming to a close and I've spent a good minute removing the mask and I'm back into my comfy clothes in my comfy bed. Life is good, isn't it?? It's too good at times. And now I'm off to bed where the hum of the aquarium will put me to sleep and the dreams can begin in no time. Pleasant dreams... And thank you to my best girl for some great conversation... I needed this escape tonight...

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