Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fact or Fiction

We all tell lies... little lies... or maybe it's just with-holding the real truth. I admit that I claim to be a VERY honest person. But I also keep things to myself. I know, it's hard to believe especially coming from someone who is so vocal about their opinion. But if you ask me how I'm doing on any given day, chances are I'm going to lie to you and tell you I'm doing well. I might be doing well that day or I might be doing horrible. But you'll never know it. Because I lie. I don't lie about important things, though. I guess I'd just rather the world see me as they "WANT" to see me instead of how I really am. Besides... nobody wants to be around a downer all the time... do they?

With that being said... I'm going list some things that are fact about me and some things that are fiction. Here's your chance to get to know the real me... a little...

Fact: I bite my fingernails. I always have. I always will.
Fiction: I have perfect vision.
Fact: I love chick flicks.
Fiction: I hate action films.
Fact: I talk in my sleep. Sometimes to the point that I carry on conversations with myself... LOL
Fiction: I like sleeping alone.
Fact: I love having word search wars.
Fiction: I like rap music.
Fact: I LOVE classic rock music.
Fiction: I like beer.
Fact: My favorite song of all time is Guitar Town by Steve Earle.
Fiction: I sing well.
Fact: I'm not skinny.
Fiction: I am skinny.
Fact: I like wine nights with friends.
Fiction: I am doing good today.
Fact: I'm depressed, but I hide that.
Fiction: I am preppy.
Fact: I paint.
Fiction: I paint well.
Fact: I like to go to bed at 10... even on weekends... LOL
Fiction: I hate getting dressed up.
Fact: I love my family and friends.
Fiction: I dislike snow days.
Fact: I like being just a little different.
Fiction: I like asian cuisine.
Fact: I love dancing in the rain.
Fiction: I'm a morning person.

And with that being said... I'm off to bed. It's past my 10 o'clock bedtime and it's not going to be pretty when I wake up at 5:45 in the morning. So... goodnight... and I leave you with one more fact about me... I like me for me.

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