Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am thankful... day 22

November 22: I am thankful for my nephew, the sunshine in my soul and the laughter that fills me. My cup runneth over...

I grew up not really sure if I ever wanted children. I didn't know if I could have the patience to be around a child all the time without becoming super annoyed. I had my doubts. I think everyone did.

Then one day, I was blessed beyond words... my nephew was born. Such a beautiful child, how could he mean so much to me? But he does. Even on days when he isn't listening and I would like to strangle him I love him. He makes me laugh; he makes my heart sing.

He's crazy and fun and creative and so smart. His laughter melts away any signs of a bad day I've been having. I love his hugs and sugars. And when I'm heading to work in the morning, I love to see that little hand reach out the window to wave goodbye to me and sign "I love you".

(I don't have a photo of my nephew doing this, but you can bet I'm going to get one ASAP!)

He just amazes me... every day. And I'm thankful that he's a part of my life and that I get to love him every day. He is my sweetheart, and I am his Buzzy.

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